One Year Ago Today!!!

January 30, 2009

Today is the one year anniversary of us bringing our perfect angel home from Guatemala (AKA- Gotcha Day). We can't believe how fast this past year has flown by! It has taught us an important lesson: We have to cherish every moment of her baby/toddler days because "they" really do grow fast! It has been such a blessing and pleasure to see her grow and learn different things. She is now really talking quite a bit (even though some of the words she says are made up and we can't understand them). She knows how to say some Spanish words but understands a whole lot in Spanish! She can point to her 'cabeza, ojos, orejas, nariz, boca, brazos, manos, dedos, estomago, piernas & pies'. When I give her a bath, I name the parts that I'm washing in Spanish so she has picked up on those words. She also says, 'agua' and 'mas'.
It is amazing how observant she is and is able to mimick us and/or pick up so many of the things that we do. She is extremely smart! I know I'm biased but she really is!! She has gone "poopoo" in her potty, she wipes her mouth and hands after she eats, she throws away her trash without being told and can even blow her own nose!
Every day we just stare at her and are just so thrilled that she is a part of our lives. I never imagined that I could ever love a child as much as I love her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful post. I always knew you would love her as much as you do. :-) You are a wonderful mother Deborah!